Plagued by political instability, economic crisis and the terrorist threat, the Sahel region faces numerous challenges that severely affect the populations. In response, the Sahel Insight project has trained civil society actors in influence, citizen engagement, digital campaigns and gender issues to drive change in their respective countries.
To fight inequalities in the Sahel region through the promotion of good practices and citizen mobilisations in favour of public policies adapted to the reduction of inequalities.
2 phases of 18 months each
Agence Française de Développement
AfricTivistes is releasing a documentary film titled “Sahel à Égalité: Digital in service of reducing inequalities” (Sahel on Equal Terms: Digital Solutions for Reducing Inequalities) discussing the multiple disparities in the Sahel region. This film is produced as part of the Sahel Insight project which explores how digital technology can become a powerful ally in […]
Plagued by political instability, economic crisis and the terrorist threat, the Sahel region faces numerous challenges that push populations to live in misery. In the face of such a situation, AfricTivistes launched the Sahel Insight project, which promotes best practices and citizen mobilisations in favour of public policies adapted to reducing inequalities in the region. […]
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