From 2000 to 2020, several youth organisations and movements emerged through their engagement in democratic struggles. Through activism, these young people carried out advocacy campaigns and actions aimed at strengthening rights and freedoms and raising the awareness of the masses. They have succeeded in getting many citizens interested in public affairs. It is therefore up to us to document all these initiatives that share the ideals of democracy, citizen engagement and social transformation. Beyond that, there is a need to update all these concepts through research in order to integrate them into scientific and learning approaches. Cadre Ctrl is also a melting pot for public authorities, decision-makers, intellectuals,… It helps to consolidate, federate and share the high level expertise of researchers, agents of change, creators and innovators from Africa and around the world. As a reference centre, it provides a forum for public debate on issues related to leadership, civic engagement and social transformation.
Objective: Establish a network of experts on issues related to leadership, civic engagement and social transformation; Produce and publish studies on new citizen dynamics in Africa; Document the evolution of the 2.0 revolution and enhanced citizenship.
Targets: networks of experts, African peoples, social movements, non-governmental organisations, CSOs, public authorities
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