West Africa – Training of trainers
ACET West Africa is a training of trainers on citizen engagement, civic leadership and social transformation. The first phase is rolled out in Mauritania, Guinea Bissau and The Gambia. This training uses the instructional tool designed to allow future trainers to master the civic leadership methodology. The session in Mauritania was held in January 2021.
The ACET Senegal consortium of eleven (11) organisations including AfricTivistes piloted the tools and curricula used in the West Africa Tour.
Objective: Provide skills to 50 future trainers to take ownership and disseminate the ACET tools and curriculum.
Beneficiaries: Youth, youth movements and organisations, committed actors
Duration: January- August 2021
Covered countries: Mauritania, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau
Partner/Donor: Dutch embassy to Senegal
AfricTivistes Civic Engagement Tour (#ACET West Africa) is a series of capacity-building workshops for young people living in West Africa interested in issues of civic engagement, civic leadership and social transformation. It targets any individual, aged between 18 and 35 years old, with motivation to use digital technology to promote and strengthen citizen participation in […]
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