The AfricTivistes CitizenLab programme is a citizens' factory designed to support, coach and provide tools, in each country, for African civil society players through training, the development of ICT tools, and mentoring in innovation and co-creation. These equipped actors implement digital solutions to improve citizen participation and strengthen the capacities of civil society in terms of citizen engagement and participation.
As well as being a programme to accelerate the involvement of young people, the programme is also a hub for innovation, the production of valuable content and advocacy based on digital projects dedicated to democracy.
This citizens' initiative for the Promotion of Participatory Democracy is a response to demand from young people and civil society organisations. It provides tools and approaches that encourage young people to get involved, while bridging the gap between civil society players and the public administration.
AfricTivistes implements the programme with the involvement and participation of the AfricTivistes network in the target countries, civil society organisations and media professionals in the various countries, underpinned by a policy of access to information.
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