AfricTivistes’s programmes coordinator joins Tik Tok advisory council

AfricTivistes’s programmes coordinator joins Tik Tok advisory council

09 septembre, 2024

In a continuous effort to enhance security on its platform, TikTok has recently announced the establishment of its very first Advisory Council on security for the Sub-Saharan Africa region. This initiative is a significant step for the platform to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for its millions of African users. The council, comprising experts from various fields, includes among its members Aisha Dabo, co-founder of AfricTivistes.

According to a statement published by TikTok, the Council’s mission is to work closely with TikTok to develop policies and processes that address current security concerns while anticipating future challenges. Valiant Richey, TikTok’s Global Head of Partnerships and Outreach for Trust and Safety, believes that this initiative will strengthen the platform’s approach to security and trust.

“With the launch of the Sub-Saharan Africa Security Advisory Council, we are demonstrating our commitment to including expert African voices in our trust and safety efforts. This group of leaders has been selected for its broad range of expertise and experience, and we look forward to working with them in the coming years,” he said.

Since 2020, TikTok has established a network of global Security Advisory Councils, including nine regional councils and a Content Advisory Council in the United States. These groups have been essential in shaping the platform’s policies, refining its features, and anticipating security challenges.

This initiative underscores the importance of online security, especially in a region with a rapidly growing youth population. In its statement, TikTok said it is committed to listening to users’ concerns and collaborating with experts to ensure that its platform remains a safe space for all.

“As the region with the world’s largest youth population, sub-Saharan Africa is crucial to TikTok’s mission to inspire creativity on a large scale. By establishing a Security Advisory Council for sub-Saharan Africa, TikTok provides an outlet for the talent and ingenuity of the region while prioritising a safe and respectable environment for content creators and users on its online platform. Being part of this council means being part of a team and a community invested in TikTok’s mission, and I look forward to this experience,” argued Dr Akinola Olojo from Nigeria, an expert in preventing and combating violent extremism.

The Advisory Council is composed of the following individuals:

– Professor Guy Berger, Rhodes University (South Africa)

– Dennis Coffie, Content Creator (Ghana)

– Aisha Dabo, Co-founder and Coordinator of AfricTivistes (Senegal)

– Lillian Kariuki, Founder and Executive Director of Watoto Watch Network (Kenya)

– Dr Akinola Olojo, Expert in Preventing and Combating Violent Extremism (Nigeria)

– Professor Medhane Tadesse, Academic in Peace and Security Policy (Ethiopia)

– Berhan Taye, Independent Researcher (Ethiopia)

Aisha Dabo, Democracy and Human Rights Advocate

The Council includes Aisha Dabo, Co-founder of AfricTivistes, who brings valuable digital democracy expertise. “Establishing this council is a positive step, integrating regular consultations with civil society while taking into account our diverse perspectives. I am eager to contribute to this proactive effort to make the platform safer for creators and users, especially the youth,” said the Programmes Coordinator at AfricTivistes.

Aisha Dabo expressed her enthusiasm at joining this council: “I am happy to be part of the new Security Advisory Council for TikTok in sub-Saharan Africa, working alongside inspiring Africans to help make the internet safer and more inclusive for Africa.”

Her work is based on the belief that informed citizens can shape a fair and equitable democratic society. She has written extensively on women’s rights, digital rights, social movements, and democracy. 

She actively serves on several councils with significant digital components, including AfricTivistes, WATHI, the Fact-Checking Centre in The Gambia, Villageois 2.0, Oxfam Intermón’s Global Digital Justice Programme, and previously the Greater Internet Freedom Project Advisory Council, all of which contribute to a human rights-centre internet.

This Programmes Coordinator’s new role echoes AfricTivistes’ efforts to enhance user security and promote responsible use of the platform. Indeed, for years, AfricTivistes has been promoting digital rights, online security, and digital sovereignty, while encouraging the active participation of young Africans through its various projects. Its commitment to a free and safe internet is demonstrated through awareness campaigns and training programmes in cybersecurity and fact-checking, aimed at ensuring equitable access to the internet while protecting users’ security and privacy. Through initiatives such as the Africa Media Cybersecurity programme, Women in Cybersecurity, Taxaw Temm, and Open Classroom, AfricTivistes trains journalists, media professionals, human rights defenders, and African civil society actors in cybersecurity, digital hygiene, and digital auditing for organisations. These training sessions always include campaigns against online harassment and for the responsible use of the internet, as well as advocacy for digital rights on the continent.

According to the Programmes Coordinator of AfricTivistes, “This advisory seat at TikTok is a continuation of AfricTivistes’ advocacy work for respecting digital rights, ensuring that social media platforms take into account the continent’s specificities. One of the major aspects of our work is advocating for an open and free internet.”

“Moreover, we have built relationships with other social platforms, including Meta, regional and continental organisations, and African governments over the years to strengthen our network in promoting a safer and more inclusive digital environment. My role on TikTok’s Advisory Council will allow us to continue moving in this direction and ensure that African concerns are heard and integrated into the platform’s policies,” concluded Aisha Dabo.

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