AfricTivistes Observatory of Democracy: A Radiography of Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa

AfricTivistes Observatory of Democracy: A Radiography of Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa

This 388-page work is part of the AfricTivistes Observatory of Democracy, aiming to raise awareness among African populations about the excessive impact of presidential mandates by encouraging citizen participation in the building of democratic states.

Radioscopy of Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa explores these systemic dynamics through a critical analysis of African political regimes, particularly the phenomena of hyper-presidentialism, manipulation of constitutions, and life mandates.

As a reminder, the AfricTivistes Observatory of Democracy is a civic reservoir aiming to address a range of interconnected themes related to democracy in Africa. It will focus on tackling various complex issues, from the impact of digital technologies on democracy to the problem of hyper-presidentialism in certain countries, as well as the opening of civic space and restrictive legal frameworks.


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